My CB Phile Belt #6

Submitted by: Fly BoyCFI

Hi Altairboy;

Attached are a couple of photo's of me in the CB Phile Belt #6. I believe that I am privileged to own the last of a collectors belt. You see, this was the last one CB Phile made before he was abruptly forced to shut down.

sudfly01.jpg sudfly02.jpg

The design is similar to the Walter in that it uses a flap for the front lock, and the Tolly/Jones with the rear chains. I find only minor subtle changes I'd make, but they're related to personal anatomy and really belong in the personal adjustment area.

I have made several minor changes to the belt from the original design. I coated the rear chains in a tool dip. I also placed a small tab of foam under the lock so it wouldn't jiggle. This design is very good. CB Phile did a great job considering he was a novice at it.

My SO took the keys 12/20/97. ( It was an early Christmas present.) Granted, I could easily cut the lock off, or some other permutation along that line, but my SO would know... We all know what happens when we cross our SO..... I have been unable, other than nocturnal emissions, and the plain old drip, drip, drip to cum. The first 4 days were the worst. After that, it simply became a wish; when would my SO want me to service her. It actually became quite comfortable to be in a constant state of semi arousal. I became more kind and thoughtful. Her needs were paramount to my own personal agenda.

During the period of lock down, I have done aerobics, and gone skiing. The only problem I encountered was that it got cold skiing, and my testes were drawn up into my body. I was skiing in the bumps, and I pinched one of my testicles under the penis tube. (OUCH !@#$%^) other than that, there were no problems to report.

I will be leaving tomorrow for a late holiday vacation. I'll be flying, and won't be able to wear the belt thru security with my children. My SO will be removing it sometime in the next 24 hours.

/Lunch Break/

I just got back from lunch at home. During lunch my SO asked me to service her needs... :-) She then produced her key and unlocked the belt. I then continued the process and removed the belt. While my member was dusted with talc, it sprang to attention, to quickly be doused in a washcloth of ice. :-( by my SO. (Ouch........)

My SO ordered me to finish cleaning up, and to have my fun. I must report that Mr. Happy sprang to attention again without any second thoughts and enjoyed its' newfound freedom. We then played around for an hour, before I left to return to work. I must admit that this is a orgasm that will go down in the record books.

OK you wanna bee CB'ers; Get off the stick, and do it. Our CB has added a new dimension to our sex life. I don't know what else I can write to express this point other than; "Just Do It"

Kindest Regards for putting together a great WWW page.


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