Warning: If you are accessing this or any adult oriented site from a US government facility, you may be in BIG trouble

Government owned servers are to be used for government business ONLY

February 11, 1997
From: Sysop@metroslave.com - http://www.metroslave.com
To: altairboy@aol.com
Subjedt: A bad day at the office...

I figure some of you may hear through the grapevine that a few records were subpoena'd today from us. The records were not for legal action against Metro slave nor any user. Rather, a Military Officer is being Court Martialed and the records are to be used against him.

Essentially what happenned is that three of our users communicated with this officer via his ".mil" internet address (other common addresses end in .com, .net, .edu, gov). Those emails were discovered by the military, and have lead to this officer's court martial. The Metro slave server was NEVER compromised to include email of users. We are committed to your privacy at all times and this is the first time any data on customers has ever been released...and then it took subpoena to do it. (The President of the United States, to Selective Publishing, Inc. is what it said.)

I want to emphasize that 3 users in question are not the subjects of an investigation nor are they in any "trouble". Their existence is merely needed to bolster the case against this officer. I might not like it, but we have no choice in these matters beyond going to jail for failure to comply.

Metro slave's involvement is simply that this officer sent email to people on our server from his .mil internet account. I will not tell you what to do but: You see what can happen now. I suggest you don't answer any email from any internet address ending in .mil or .gov. That is the only way to protect the ignorant person on the other end from getting into trouble. I am sure we are not the only server subpoena'd for records.

This is the only case in 4 years I have ever seen. I hope it is the last. I know this officer personally and am a veteran of the US Army myself. His family is devastated, but coping. My hopes go out to him that this time of trouble passes soon. This officer has suffered with this case for almost a year now and it has taken a terrible toll. I am sorry Metro slave got dragged into this as if you knew this man you would know how kind and compassionate he is.

I won't tell you not to email to .mil or .gov as I don't have anyway to monitor your email, but I suggest you let this case serve as an example. If you are on a .mil or .gov server, please don't be tempted to save a buck and use it to contact us or any other adult service (or any commercial service for that matter). It just is not the worth the risk. Government owned servers may only be used for government business and Metro slave is most assuredly not in the business of governing...except the slave of course.

The server remains secure and operates within the law. I wanted to let you know about this before a crazy rumor gets started that metro slave is some how being investigated by the US Military. I have told Dave Rhodes of the Leather Journal what happenned as well as I don't want to hide this event from the community. We need to learn from it.

Metro slave Magazine