Female tells her story - Part 4

Original German Language text can be found on Jan Thor's website.

Chapter 4 : The last months

05 February 97

Not much to report for now, I am still wearing my chastity belt and have gotten used to every day life in it. Nevertheless I rejoice at every day completed that shortens the rest of my wearing period.

I expect my next period soon now: passing this time of the month in the belt remains an anything but a nice situation. After that - something else unpleasant is coming up. My husband wants to put the secondary shield on my belt for at least 2 weeks. Just to bring some change in my daily routine. This time - without the risk of me having to spend my period with it on. I protested but didn't want to refuse categorically in the end. Let's see how it develops this time.

18 March 97

Coping with my cb has become normal for me. Often I hardly notice it for hours at a stretch. Even the waistband bothers me only a little. It still remains the most unpleasant feature of the device. The heightened hygienic effort has become routine, at least when I am not having my period or wearing the secondary shield. Getting used to this merciless steel bond to this degree initially seemed unimaginable. But then it has taken months to get that far.

I had to bear the secondary shield for well over two weeks, but that is over for now. It was much less unpleasant than I remembered. But then, I didn't wear it during my period this time. What made it unpleasant to wear the secondary shield was urine collected in the lowest part of the belt and could not be dried from all places. This leads to an unpleasant odor after only a few hours. To avoid this problem I usually sat down in the shower twice a day to clean myself. The smell problem was sufficiently resolved in this way. This cleaning procedure, however, added to the already higher hygienic toil. I can't pretend to like this accessory very much. I will probably have to wear it after my next period though. To really get used to it, my husband said, and I accept this, once again.

I often think about how it would be if I had to wear a chastity belt for a much longer period, or even forever. Initially I thought I couldn't stand that in the long run. But now I now I think I could. I could probably live with total denial of sexual activity. At first, I longed for sex, but then there were the physical barriers and the tight waistband to quickly chase away those thoughts. Now that I can bear the belt well, I surprisingly hardly think about sex. I currently don't plan on wearing the belt any longer than agreed. My husband would certainly not force me to do so if I do not want to.

5 April 97

For the last couple of days I am again wearing this inconvenient secondary shield, and it is not expected to be taken off untill after I have my next period. I already feel bad thinking about this now. It's supposed to be kind of a glorious finish. I still imagine, sometimes, how it would be to be locked up for ever, but I don't really want to be. I want to really enjoy sex again, and see how it is after such a long period of chastity. My almost addictive longing for sexual activity, which sometimes lead to masturbating several times a day, has now been completely suppressed by the belt. And thus I think of sex relatively seldom. I expected that the longing for sex would increase during the chastity, but things developed exactly the other way round.

28 April 97

Now, it is only a few weeks untill my liberation. The last weeks have really passed well. The approaching finish has probably contributed to that. I now know that one can live, for a very long time, with a cb. I don't plan to wear it much longer though.

I have just had my period with the secondary shield attached. There have been no serious problems this time. Several baths a day maintained my personal hygiene at a sufficient level. I can, also, insert a thin sanitary dressing under my crotch-strap reasonably quickly. It is amazing how one can get used to such dramatically changed circumstances.

5 May 97

I am still wearing my cb. More accurately I am wearing it again. With as before, the secondary shield installed. It is uncertain just how long this additional period of confinement in the belt will be. I will tell you how this situation came to pass:

The end of my wearing period was set to May 1st. We had sent our kids to their grandparents, to avoid any disturbances. I had suspected that my husband would relieve me of my obnoxious tormentor in the morning. He seemed, however, to want to keep me in doubt for a while. We made a very nice day trip and visited a very good restaurant. By the time we got home it was past ten.

The great moment of my liberation had to come now. I was told to strip completely, except of course for the cb for which I didn't have the key. My husband opened a bottle of champagne and we drank the first glass. I had to promise not to touch the lower part of my body during the rest of the night. Only my husband would take care of my lust during this evening.

After my husband removed the belt, we showered together. My husband took care of the cleaning of the lower part of my body which I wasn't allowed to touch. I was so very, very horny, I could hardly take this, but my husband was so careful that it took a long while before I could enjoy my first orgasm anyhow. We enjoyed quite some incredibly hot and beautiful hours. The long abstinence really paid off for me.

Finally my husband was so tired he couldn't keep himself awake. I was still very aroused, notwithstanding several orgasms. So it came to be that I started playing around with myself. Somehow I must have made too much noise. Too late, I noticed my husband was watching me. Then things went very fast. I was quickly back in my cb with my hands tied behind my back. For the short remainder of the night I had to lie on my stomach to be somewhat comfortable.

The next morning my husband removed the bonds from my hands, but the belt remained on. He wouldn't say anything about a new term for the end of my new wearing period. Now he 's gone for a week on a business trip and he has made me believe that I will be wearing the belt for a very long time, since I have apparently not learned to control myself.

Somehow I thought this would be different. I hadn't imagined having to wear the belt any longer, and had focused myself entirely on the end-date. Now I can't stand to contunue bearing this tormentor on my body. Often I think of breaking it, just to put an end to this.

13 May 97

Since Monday morning the cb is no longer on my body. With no prior notice or ceremony my husband unexpectedly removed the belt.

Now, even when fully dressed, I feel naked. I seem to have become accustomed to the continuous pressure of the belt. However, I enjoy my new freedom, and feel, somehow, a new woman. Up until now I haven't masturbated yet, and I consciously intend not to do so in the future. I now know I can be abstinent for a long time, and how good it can be after such a long period. I want to be able to abstain any supporting device in the future. It won't be easy though. So, I have made 2 arrangements with my husband to assist me in my resolve.

First, a deterring measure: if my husband catches me masturbating I will have to wear the cb for the following 2 months without any time out. With the unpleasant secondary shield attached. If I become compulsive again I will be caught because I will end up masturbating several times a day.

As a further precaution, my husband has kept the keys to my cb. Which means I can not take it off if I lock it on myself. If I think that I am going to loose control, I can irrevocably avoid the worst, by putting on the belt myself. From the moment I tell my husband I have locked the belt on myself I will have to wait 2 weeks till my relase. Which should avoid overuse of this emergency brake. Even when I can not avoid the first orgasm I can thus avoid becoming compulsive again.

Looking back, I can say the chastity adventure has been a very interesting phase of my life. I am even proud to have made it through, because it hasn't exactly been easy after all.


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Page last updated 97-Aug-19 by: Altairboy@aol.com