Sabrina seven weeks in the dungeon!

Today is Saturday, 28 March 1998.

Seven weeks, 49 days I spend now already put in iron and chained up in my dungeon.

I found now already almost to a "normal" routine of the day as a convict. I feel my irons only partly as very much disturbing, even if they obstruct me naturally still in my motion and remind me constantly of the fact that I am chained as a chain convict here in the dungeon. I adapted however my movements to a large extent to that, which the irons permit me to do.

The throw with the water bottle from 25 February had now - apart from the restriction of the PC use - nevertheless still additional consequences. My master explained to me that I am in his opinion a bad, disobedient and above all not teachable girl. The only possibility, to protect himself and others against me is probably only to put me away permanent here down in the dungeon. Of course put in irons and chained to the wall! He decided therefore to lock me up for at least a full year here in the dungeon as a chain convict.

First that didn't shock me. In the opposite, the thought to be locked up here down for a full year is already rather exciting for me! However I must very often think in the meantime about "at least", finally I was condemned by my Master to a "dungeon punishment as a chain convict for life". He said nothing more to this. His only comment: "about this we will talk only again if you served your full year!" That's pretty cold comfort for me.

On 22 February I had my last orgasm. Since the throw with the water bottle my Master strictly takes care that I do not have any sexual satisfaction - a further, additional punishment! I find it very hard to accept this, sometimes I would like to do anything only to escape from this steel panties - also called chastity belt. I believe my master enjoys this "addition punishment" of me, particularly I - whenever he requires this - have to "spoil his best part" with my lips and my tongue.

Nevertheless - I do not regret anything and I will become also not weak. No moaning and complaints, that I intend firmly not to do!

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